Na Um Pala*
You say I fell on your mind
not came to
not remembered me
not thought of
just fell
an apple from a tree
a star from the sky
like in love
which is the same thing
I fell on your mind
in love.
Always remember
heaviness of my fall
a thud in harmony
with my heart.
Not came
not a thought
just an acorn
a leaf
blown by the wintery breath
a stone
errosion from a mountain
and you cannot return me
save me as a keepsake
even when you no longer need me
but I will fall again
because darling
we cannot prevent corrosion.
* In the Bosnian language, to say you remembered someone or something, you say “you fell on my mind” or “it fell on my mind”, almost a physical sensation of remembering something good or bad, where pain radiates in action of the fall and impact. There is no such comparison in the English language that strongly describes the feeling of remembering something that matters to you the most.